Teaching Your Child Healthy Eating Habits

Teaching Your Child Healthy Eating HabitsIt’s never too early to teach your children healthy eating habits! Premier Academy is here to help. As we know, children often times shy away from the raw veggie tray and the fruit salad bowl, preferring a grab-and-go bag of chips or high-sugar cereal instead. But healthy eating isn’t all about broccoli and peas. It’s about habits and routines.

Here are a few ways to help your child get a healthy start on eating habits:

  • Remember that eating habits are established early and often are resistant to change.
    This is an important area of your child’s development, and you should not hesitate to speak with your pediatrician if you have questions or concerns about health, growth, or weight. Premier Academy is committed to working with parents to make sure all of our child’s dietary and health needs are met.
  • Make dinnertime together a priority (no matter how difficult).
    The family dinner is an endangered institution, but it is a hugely valuable routine that is critical in establishing lifelong patterns and creating a connection to family memories. This can be a time for interesting discussions that also build language skills. Children at Premier Academy are welcome to socialize with their friends and teachers during lunch time. Posing a daily question, such as, “The best thing about my day so far…” can become a family ritual to which everyone looks forward.
  • Involve your children in the meal preparations.
    Children often love to help by washing veggies, peeling carrots, breaking lettuce, or helping to set the table.
  • At mealtime, have age-appropriate table expectations.

Allow children to serve themselves when possible. At Premier Academy we encourage building confidence and independence. Encourage small portions, but let them know that they can have second helpings. Model serving portions that aren’t too hefty. Resist the temptation to make your child “clean their plate” as this can result in patterns of overeating. Allowing children to stop eating when they are no longer hungry can prevent this pattern.

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