kids healthy breakfastMost parents would agree that it is a good idea that children eat a healthy breakfast before they leave for school in the morning. That doesn’t mean that it is easy, however.

Consumer Reports’ article, What Makes a Healthy Breakfast for Kids, tackles the issue of feeding your kids a nutritious breakfast – without ruining everyone’s day!

Here are some suggestions from the article to do just that:

  • Make Extra: Consider cooking and freezing breakfast foods over the weekend so that you can pull them out and microwave them all week.
  • Prep the Night Before: Set the table, premeasure ingredients and have everything ready to go the night before to make the morning less stressful.
  • Mix Up the Menu: Not all kids like breakfast food. A grilled cheese on wheat bread or hummus and veggies might not sound good to you but are healthy options that kids may prefer.

Studies continue to reinforce the benefits of a healthy breakfast for kids. When kids eat a nutritious breakfast they are more likely to exhibit behaviors such as improved performance on tests and staying alert in class. So, as difficult as it may seem to get kids to eat breakfast, it is important.

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