Tips for a Smooth Transition Back to Work Following Maternity LeaveWe here at Premier Academy know that returning to work after maternity leave can be a difficult transition for mothers. The prospect of being away from your new baby coupled with the pressure of performing at work can lead to a great deal of stress. Throw sleep deprivation into the mix and it is easy to understand why this can be such a trying time for many women.

Going back to work following your maternity leave will mean a new schedule for you and your baby. While this can be difficult, it is important to remain as calm as possible during the transition. Babies are very in tune with their mother’s emotions so if you are extremely stressed out chances are that your infant will be, as well. Of course, this is easier said than done.

While bumps in the road are inevitable, there are ways to make sure that things go as smoothly as possible when returning to work.

  1. Get organized. Juggling your job along with your new title as “mom” calls for a high level of organization. Make a schedule of dinners and chores such as laundry ahead of time. It also is important to try to get your baby in a routine (easier said than done, we know!). A regular schedule of naps, meals and baths will help your baby learn what comes next.
  2. Do some dry runs. A week or so before you return to work, try a few dry runs where you get up and get yourself and your baby ready to head out the door on time. This is the time to figure out if you need to make adjustments.
  3. Find the best child care. Knowing your baby is happy and well cared for is the best way to ease your transition back to work. Make sure you find a child care center that meets all of your need and comes highly recommended.
  4. Don’t waste time at the office. Try to tune out as many distractions as possible while at work so you can get out on time. Long chats with co-workers about what was on television the night before or long lunches need to be kept to a minimum so you can leave the office knowing you put in a full day.
  5. Take care of yourself. When getting everything organized and ready for the work week there is one person that often gets neglected – you! Sleep and self-care are important considerations. After all, if you are stressed-out, tired and overwhelmed all of the time, you aren’t doing anyone any good. While it may seem impossible to get more sleep, going to bed as early as possible will help. Also, try to schedule in a few relaxing activities on the weekends such as a long walk, exercise class or quick manicure.

Finally, no matter how well you have planned, no matter how outstanding your child care, you are likely to become emotion when dropping your baby off for the first few days or weeks. Thankfully, a quality child care program will welcome your calls, texts or need for a picture of your sweet baby to get you through the workday!  While most mothers will tell you that going back to work after maternity leave can be challenging, they also will tell you that it won’t be long until you and your baby adjust to your new normal.

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TaspolesAppThe Tadpoles app is just one of the many ways we at Premier Academy open our doors wide to parents. Through the Tadpoles app, parents always feel connected with their child because we use it to send reports, photos, videos, notes and reminders to them throughout the day.

How many times have you been at the office or sitting in a meeting wondering what your child was up to? At Premier, we can help you stop wondering! How? Through the use of the Tadpoles app (get more information at! This app allows you to:

  1. Receive photos, videos and notes by email
  2. Download and share photos and videos of your children
  3. Receive emergency alerts by text message
  4. View your child’s portfolio using our mobile application
  5. Mark your child out sick or on vacation through our mobile application

The benefits of the Tadpoles app are numerous and online reviews confirm this. As one parent wrote, “Getting notifications throughout the day, seeing pictures, makes me feel like I’m still with them.”

Premier Academy offers the highest quality health care in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. To learn more about all we have to offer children and families

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Allowing parents to see what their child is doing throughout the day benefits parents, children and child care providers. When parents are in tune with what their child is doing and learning every day, they are able to establish a connection between what is occurring at a child care program and what happens at home. On a more practical level, these app make administrative tasks such as taking attendance much easier, as well.

Want to know what your child is up to at preschool? There’s an app for that

Parents used to rely on pen and paper when it came to signing their son or daughter into and out of preschool. Those days are fading away with apps taking over this and a variety of other child care and preschool related tasks.

Child Care App Provides Real-Time Updates to Parents
Daycares are going digital with apps to keep parents connected to kids

Technology is changing the way we communicate at home and at work. Now it is changing the way we communicate with our child care providers.

7 of the best parents teacher communication apps

There are several parent-teacher communication apps on the market. Premier Academy uses one of the most highly recommended, Tadpoles.

Schedule a Tour at Premier Academy Today!

Most child care programs provide parents an update on what their children did all day at pickup. Wouldn’t it be nice, however, to receive real-time updates? Updates that include things like photos and videos?

At Premier Academy, we use the Tadpoles app to make sure that parents always feel connected with their children. The Tadpoles app allows us to send reports, photos, videos, notes and reminders to parents throughout the day.

As a parent, how many times have you wondered what your child was up to at a particular time of day? Did they eat their lunch? Did they take a nap? The Tadpoles app gives you the answers to those questions. Now, instead of asking questions like, “What did you do today?” you can ask more specific ones like, “Did you enjoy finger painting?” These types  of open-ended questions help to spur more lively conversations.

The Tadpoles app also allows parents to receive emergency alerts or call their child out sick with just a click of a button. And all information sent and received through the Tadpoles app is safe, secure and 100 percent private.

The benefits of the Tadpoles app are numerous and online reviews confirm this. As one parent wrote, “I love using this because it helps me feel connected in real time with my children and their school.”

Other parents echo this statement. “Getting notifications throughout the day, seeing pictures, makes me feel like I’m still with them,” wrote another parent.

While apps like Tadpoles are recommended by child care experts, providers and parents, it is important to keep in mind that there are limitations to such apps. For example, while it is easy to communicate with your child care provider through apps, some issues require a face-to-face conversation. Sensitive topics such as behavioral issues always are best handled in person.

Like all forms of technology, Tadpoles and similar apps can only do their job if they are being used. Make sure you understand how to use the app so that you can get the most out of it. If you are having trouble figuring something out, ask your child care provider for help. Thankfully, the Tadpoles app is very user-friendly.

Allowing parents to see what their child is doing throughout the day benefits parents, children and child care providers. When parents are in tune with what their child is doing and learning every day, they are able to establish a connection between what is occurring at a child care program and what happens at home. This connection helps child care providers and parents work together to improve a child’s confidence, as well as academic and social growth. And these benefits continue into the elementary school years. Studies show that when parents are involved with what is going on with their children in their preschool years, they remain an important part of their education far into the future.

The Importance of Choosing a Licensed Child Care ProgramWhen choosing a child care program for your child, the first question you need to ask is whether or not that child care center is licensed. While a license does not guarantee quality, it sets minimum requirements and ensures that a particular center is monitored for compliance. posted an article, Child Care Licensing and Regulations, that covers some of the requirements a licensed center needs to meet. These include:

  • The acceptable child-staff ratio and number of children allowed in a class
  • Supervision of children
  • Safety of the building
  • Immunizations, handwashing, diapering and other methods to stop the spread of disease
  • Nutrition
  • Training, health and other conditions for adults working at the center.

Children spend a great deal of time at their child care center. It is your job to make sure that the one you choose not only meets the needs of your child and your family but also is licensed. At Premier Academy, we offer the highest quality health care in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. To learn more, visit us at

Premier Academy believes that keeping your child safe is your number one priority when choosing a child care program. But it can be difficult when there are so many other considerations like price, location and hours. It is important to remember that the best child care program is one that works for you, your child and your entire family. And yes, it is possible to find one! It just takes a little research on your part.

Why All Child Care Programs, Like All Children Are UniqueQuality Checklist for Choosing Child Care

The American Academy of Pediatrics is dedicated to the health of all children. It also has a checklist that you can use as a guide when choosing a child care program for your son or daughter.

How to Choose the Best Facility for Your Family

Not every child care center is right for every child. And that is the way it should be. The key is to find the best program for your unique situation.

Daycare Warning Signs Parents Need to Know

While it can be difficult to get all you want out of child care program, there are some things you can never compromise on and some red flags you must never ignore.

If Premier Academy sounds like the place where you want your little one to learn and grow, please come tour one of our Learning Centers.

Premier Academy knows nothing is as important as keeping children safe. And while in a perfect world, no parent would have to worry about keeping their child safe in child care, the reality is, some child care centers are safer than others.

Thankfully, finding the highest-quality and safest child care center for your son or daughter is possible. The key is to do your research. Just as you would not choose a doctor for your child without doing some homework and asking for referrals, the same goes for any child care center you are considering.

Eight Questions to Ask When Choosing a Child Care ProgramUnfortunately, many parents aren’t exactly sure what to look for in a child care center. If you are enrolling your first or only child, it is easy to be overwhelmed with the choices and standards of care. What follows is a list of questions you should ask when to determine if a child care center will keep your child safe, healthy and happy.

  1. Is it licensed? Any child care program you are considering needs to be licensed by the state and those licenses should be displayed where all can see. Your next step is to call the licensing agency to see if the center is indeed licensed, has had any violations and when it will be re-inspected.
  2. How well is it child-proofed? Some of the most important items to look at are window blinds; cribs located away from windows and blinds; outlet covers; gates for any stairs; straps on changing tables and high chairs; clean and well-maintained toys; and medications and cleaning supplies that are well out of reach of children.
  3. Are staff trained in CPR and first aid? Staff members should be trained in pediatric CPR and first aid. Ask to see training certificates (which should be renewed every two years). Health considerations are a hallmark of quality child care centers. For example, are babies put to sleep on their backs at naptime?
  4. What is the caregiver-to-child ratio? Every state has its own requirements, but experts recommend that there should one caregiver for every four infants. There also should be one caregiver for every four toddlers from 18 months to 2 years; for every six toddlers from 2 to 3 years; and for every nine children older than 3.
  5. Is there a great deal of staff turnover? The higher the turnover, the less likely it will be that your child will be able to develop solid, trusting relationships. It also means caregivers may not be happy and happy caregivers mean happy children.
  6. How are children disciplined? Positive discipline techniques are critical. Yelling, belittling or physical punishments should never be tolerated. Discipline should always focus on positive redirection.
  7. Are child care center policies written down? Procedures for the dispensing of medications, discipline and when a child is too sick to attend child care should be provided to each family so everyone is on the same page.
  8. How clean is the center? It is easy to tell when you walk into a clean and well-organized child care center. Children in child care centers can be at a higher risk of infections so frequent handwashing and consistent and thorough cleaning practices are essential.

Finally, if a child care center you are considering does not have an open-door policy, you need to turn around and leave. You should always feel at welcome to visit your child and observe what is going one. You also should feel free to ask questions.

Children spend a great deal of time at a day care center. It is your job to make sure that the one you choose meets the needs of your child and your family. Do your due diligence so that when you leave your child at that child care center you know that he or she is happy, healthy and well-cared for.

If you would like to see how a quality daycare operates, please schedule a tour at one of our Child Enrichment Centers.

Asking Questions Critical to Choosing the Best Preschool for Your ChildThe decision where to send your child to preschool can seem overwhelming. After all, a lot is riding on this choice.

Like most decisions in life, doing some independent research, asking the opinions of others and following your gut instincts will go a long way toward finding the perfect fit for your child. Once you have narrowed down your options based on things like distance from home or work and price, BabyCenter’s article, How Do I Choose the Best Preschool for My Child, suggests the following questions:

  1. Is the school accredited?
  2. Does it have clear rules and regulations?
  3. What is the student-to-teacher ratio?
  4. Is there a great deal of staff turnover?
  5. What is the school’s philosophy on educating toddlers?

Once you have the answers to these questions you will likely have found the ideal preschool. At Premier Academy, our preschool program is designed with the betterment of the child in mind. For more information, or to schedule a tour, give us a call at any of our three area locations.

Choosing the best preschool for your child can be difficult, we here at Premier Academy understand this. Is play-based preschool the best approach? Should you choose a Montessori school? How will you know? Taking the time to visit potential preschools and witnessing firsthand the interactions between educators and students will go a long way toward making an informed decision.

8 Questions to Ask When Looking at Preschools

Knowing how to choose the best preschool for your child involves asking a lot of questions. It also means asking the right type of questions.

Why Preschool is the ‘Most Important Year’ In a Child’s Development

There are some who believe that preschool isn’t a big deal, so choosing one shouldn’t be difficult. Not so fast according to many experts who say that preschool is actually the most important year in a child’s development.

What to Do When Your Child Hates Pre-School

Once you have selected what you believe is an outstanding preschool for your child, you may be surprised to find he or she doesn’t want to go. Now what?

Premier Academy offers affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. To learn more, visit us at

We here at Premier Academy know that choosing the right type of preschool for your child can be an overwhelming decision. Many parents wonder whether a preschool that uses the Montessori method is the right choice for their child of if a play-based approach is best.

Many parents are unaware of the philosophies behind these types of preschools. What follows is a brief overview of Montessori and play-based preschools.

The Montessori Method: Montessori programs are child-directed, emphasizing active, self-paced, individualized learning. Children choose activities and concentrate on those activities for specific blocks of time. Teachers track a child’s progress through observation and assist children in their use of materials. Proponents of the Montessori method believe that this method allows children to become more confident, independent and self-disciplined.

Play-Based Preschool: The foundation of play-based preschools are that kids do best when they learn through play. Play-based preschool is teacher-directed; however, playtime is open-ended and unstructured. Students in play-based preschool learn cooperation, problem solving and social skills while participating in a variety of play-based activities. Teachers, in turn, provide educational lessons based on these play experiences.

There are benefits to both types of preschools and no two preschools are exactly alike. In other words, you can have excellent programs and weaker ones, regardless of the philosophy. Therefore, a decision on where to enroll your child based solely on preschool philosophy is not always the best course of action.

So what is the best course of action? When choosing a preschool for your child, keep in mind that childhood learning is built, first and foremost, on trusting relationships. And while positive relationships between children and educators can be tough to define, you will know it when you see it.

Even if you have your heart set on sending your child to a preschool based on a particular philosophy, it is important to visit that preschool before deciding if it is right for your child. During your visit, here are the things experts, parents and preschool teachers will tell you to be on the lookout for:

  1. Children who are nurtured and encouraged. The best preschool teachers know their students well. They call them by their names, they listen and do their best to understand what each student is trying to communicate. Children in the classroom are comfortable and relaxed because they know they can trust their teacher.
  2. Teachers who help, not punish, students. Preschoolers are developing social and emotional skills and are learning how to share and “use their words” to express how they are feeling. Good teachers are ones who reinforce these skills through consistent routines and other methods that focus on positive reinforcement.
  3. A fun and active environment. Children can be active and having fun without the classroom becoming chaotic. Teachers should provide activities that encourage children to think for themselves. One thing you do not want to see is a lot of worksheets and flashcards. While preschoolers need to learn, at this age, much of learning has to do with social and emotional skills.
  4. Staff members who love what they do. Working with kids all day every day isn’t for everyone. It is easy to spot someone who is working with children because it is their passion.

No matter what type of preschool philosophy you prefer, remember that what matters most is that your child is being taught by educators who promote intellectual curiosity and impart social skills. Children who are truly ready for kindergarten are not the ones who can read and write flawlessly but rather who enjoy learning, are comfortable in a classroom setting and know how to engage with children and adults.

Premier Academy offers affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. 

If you’re ready to see what we have to offer sign up for a tour of one of our facilities.